Tech.pinions in 2015

There aren’t many sites like ours on the web. When I started Tech.pinions a little over three years ago, I wanted to bring something different to the table. It is not every day someone in the field of Industry Analysis starts a public website to share in-depth commentary and analysis on a range of industry subject matter. I was frustrated with the general lack of critical thinking in the public domain of tech related subjects and I decided we could offer something few can. More importantly, I wanted to put together a team to bring fresh insights and perspectives to the technology discussion rather than go it alone. I’m quite proud of the team we have built — our reputation in the industry and credibility speaks for itself. Tech.pinions has grown and flourished and already surpassed my expectations. We are linked to regularly by major technology outlets and can see our content positively impact the broader industry discussion. But I think we can go even farther and that is where our focus will be in 2015.

Many of our regular readers know the business model we have chosen is to focus on our readers and not chase page views, which would be necessary if we were to focus on selling ads rather than subscriptions. We want to serve the reader first and foremost with our commentary and analysis. Having helped run one of the largest tech blogs on the web, I saw firsthand what catering to advertisers looks like and I felt there had to be a better way. This is where our Insider membership comes in. Adding more value to our subscribers will be a major focus for our team in 2015. Up to this point, I have been driving most of the content for our subscribers but now all Tech.pinions team members are contributing on a weekly basis. We have a great deal of original content lined up for 2015 and I’m quite excited about it.

To date, our model has been to charge a simple $5 per month or $50 per year subscription rate. However, we continually get feedback to charge more given the quality of the analysis — which is on par with much more expensive subscriptions for other online publications. We feel by increasing the content we publish to our subscribers by more than 2x, with roughly five to eight insider articles each week, and given the credibility of the team we have, increasing the price is warranted. So, after January 1st, all new subscriptions will be $10 per month or $100 per year. All existing subscribers will continue at their existing rate through 2015. Besides increasing the amount of content, we will also be looking to have regional events where our team can give updated presentations on the industry. Many of those will be free, or at least heavily discounted for our subscribers. For the data lovers, I’ll be doing more video analysis and podcasts, walking through some of my firm’s data models visually along with commentary as I did here. We will also doing regular “analyst roundtable” video panels where our analysts can talk trends and discuss in a more formal way than on our podcast.

The feedback we continue to get on the quality of our subscription encourages and assures me we are on the right track. While the name of our site is Tech.pinions, our opinions are deeply informed by the significant amount of research we do in our role and day job as industry analysts. I am, in fact, so confident in our content that, for the next two weeks, everyone can try our Insider program for free (details below). Our archive is so deep and full of rich content that you could spend hours digging through it.

We know not everyone can or will subscribe, which is why our daily columns remain free. And I assure you the quality of the daily free article will remain high. But if being more informed on all the significant matters of this industry than what is publicly available is of interest to you, please consider giving our Insider program a try.

To try our Insider program click this link and select the option for a free trial. You can then register and you will have unrestricted access for two weeks. No credit card details are required. Should you wish to subscribe before Jan 1st, you will be locked into the lower rate for 2015.

We appreciate all of our readership and support as we continue to create something unique. 2015 is going to be a fascinating year with many new questions, debates, categories, and more to shape the landscape for the global technology industry. From all of us here at Tech.pinions, we are looking forward to serving you in 2015.

Published by

Ben Bajarin

Ben Bajarin is a Principal Analyst and the head of primary research at Creative Strategies, Inc - An industry analysis, market intelligence and research firm located in Silicon Valley. His primary focus is consumer technology and market trend research and he is responsible for studying over 30 countries. Full Bio

13 thoughts on “Tech.pinions in 2015”

  1. I wanted to try the Insider program so I clicked the link above and then selected the option for Insider Monthly. The next page said Techpinions Insiders Registration system is currently offline. HOW LONG will the registration system be offline? This is a pretty poor way for you to say Merry Christmas to newcomers!!

    1. The ability to check out with a credit card is offline as we fix. You can still use the code and complete the registration. Use the link BELOW that box that says “click here to use coupon code.”

      Thanks for pointing that out though, I changed the text to reflect that you can still use the coupon code to join the program.

  2. Maybe, I missed it in the column but will you have other industry experts contribute for more in depth articles, podcast, or what ever channel you might use for content?

    I have yet to subscribe. I have been reading for the last year and the articles are quite good and I need to get on the train.

    Great job to all.

    1. We have other experts contributing yes, but the core team is who you get the regular content from. But as you have seen we have had Benedict Evans on the podcast, Horace Dediu, Carolina Milanesi, etc. Avi Greengart has also written columns for us and we have some executives looking to do some contributions also.

      Good experts that are free to write publicly are hard to find!

  3. Hi. I tried to check in in the subscriptions page with the merrychristmas code, but it doesn’t work. What can I do, any suggestion?

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